
Website Owner

Pelican Island Storage Terminal

General Information
pelicanislandstorageterminal.com is a website of Pelican Island Storage Terminal (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”). The following General Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) apply to your accessing and use of the Company’s website. They also apply to the linked websites of its affiliated companies.

Any reference to “users” in the following provisions is meant to refer to both male and female users.

The Company may change the content of these Terms of Use from time to time. The changed Terms of Use become effective when they are published on this website. Users express their agreement to the General Terms of Use in effect at the time when repeatedly visiting this website.

If individual or multiple provisions of these Terms of Use are or become legally ineffective in whole or in part, this shall not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions.

This agreement shall be exclusively governed by the laws of the United States of America.

The design of this website, as well as all texts, photos, and graphics, etc. used on this website, are protected by copyrights. Any infringement of copyright or other proprietary rights protection may result in civil and/or criminal liability. The content can be freely accessed by anybody when they visit the website and may only be used for private purposes. If you are interested in using the protected content beyond the permitted use, please contact the person responsible for the operation listed in the legal notice. This person may then put you into contact with the author or other owner of the rights of use, as required.
Content and Liability

To the best of the Company’s knowledge and belief, the information contained herein is accurate, complete, and up to date. Nevertheless, this website, including the content, material, information, and software that it provides, is made available to the user with no guarantees or warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. Users of this website use it at their own risk. In particular, the Company does not guarantee that the website does not contain any viruses or that it is transmitted without errors.

The Company may, at its discretion, make changes to all or parts of this website and/or discontinue its operation at any time without notice and is not obligated to update the website.

The Company strives to provide general access to the website. It is possible, however, that without prior notice the website may be temporarily unavailable for technical reasons or maintenance purposes, for example. The user has no claim to uninterrupted availability of the content.

The Company is responsible for its own content in accordance with the general regulations. However, the Company is not obligated to monitor transmitted or stored external information or review it for circumstances indicating unlawful behavior. This does not affect the general legal obligations to remove or block the use of unlawful information. Nevertheless, a related liability could only arise from the time when a specific rights violation becomes known. Therefore, the Company will promptly react and block the respective content when such rights violations become known.

The Company is not liable for lack of economic success, lost profits, unrealized savings, any indirect losses, or accidental or consequential losses resulting from a visit to the website, from use of the information, documents, instructions, or recommendations published on the website, or from temporary unavailability of the website. In any case, liability shall be limited to the typical foreseeable damages. Furthermore, the Company does not assume any liability for the ordinary negligence of its employees, representative bodies, vicarious agents or persons used by it in the performance of its obligations.
Links to Third-Party Websites

Hyperlinks to the websites of third parties do not constitute approval of their content on the part of the Company. By creating a link to third-party sites, the Company does not imply that the content of the linked sites is endorsed, recommended, or supported by the Company. The Company does not control their content and therefore does not assume any responsibility for it. The party responsible for their content is always the respective provider or operator. The respective sites were reviewed for infringements at the time when the link was created and no unlawful content was found. However, it is not reasonable to expect that the Company reviews the content of the linked websites continuously, it can only conduct reviews when there are specific indications of a rights violation. The Company will promptly remove the links from this website when it becomes aware of rights violations.

Status: January 2021

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