Tank Storage Logistics Provider

Our vision is to be the preferred partner in energy logistics.

Pelican Island Storage Terminal has been active in tank storage logistics since 2013, and is one of the largest operators of tank terminals for oils, gases and chemicals worldwide. The company owns and operates 26 terminals in 24 countries with a total storage capacity of 8 million cbm, on five continents – in Europe, North America, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, India, and the Asia-Pacific region.

At the tank terminals, Pelican Island Storage Terminal stores and handles nearly 500 different products including crude oil, petroleum products, biofuels, gases and chemicals. The total throughput of all terminals in 2019 was around 155 million tons.

Pelican Island Storage Terminal is not the owner of the goods stored, but merely provides its services in the field of tank storage logistics. Our clients include private and state oil companies, refiners, petrochemical companies, and traders in petroleum products and chemicals.

Often we develop and operate our business with reputable local, private and state-owned companies, whereby Pelican Island Storage Terminal acts as operating partner in the joint venture. In developing capital-intensive terminal facilities alone – or with substantial local business partners.

To further improve our shareholders value we continue to employ a strategy of controlled growth of our tank terminal-based service network through acquisitions, new buildings and upgrading of existing facilities.

Pelican Island Storage Terminal has a strong customer orientation and provides tailor-made infrastructure. Its focus is on safe, efficient and reliable services in constructing and operating its facilities. 


Key Facts

million cbm storage capacity
tank terminals
million tons total throughput
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