Data Protection

General Information

We, Pelican Island Storage Terminal, and our affiliated companies (hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Company”) welcome you to our websites and thank you for your interest in our company.

We strive to offer you the best possible service; this also includes continuous optimizing of our Internet presence and, it goes without saying, protection of your data. Our server will automatically record data whenever you visit our websites. We do not, however, assign any personal identity to this data, which can, for example, be the domain name and IP address of the requesting computer or the date of access, duration of your visit or the website from which you visit us. This data is generally used for system security purposes as well as to continually optimize our sites and services. Data evaluation is exclusively of a statistical nature.

Any additional personal data, such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address, will not be gathered unless you specifically provide them to us (e.g. via the contact form or by email). It goes without saying that in such cases your data will only be gathered, processed or used for the purposes as indicated or for purposes arising from them, unless current legal regulations require us to pass them on. We will only use your data for other purposes (e.g. advertising or market/opinion research) if you have specifically consented to us doing so.

Data Controller

The entity stated in our legal notice is responsible for collection and processing of the data described below.

We will store the IP address transmitted by your web browser for a period of seven days strictly for the purpose of being able to recognize, limit and rectify any attacks on our websites. After expiry of this period, we will erase or anonymize the IP address.

Usage Data

Whenever you visit our websites, for statistical purposes our web server will temporarily store in a log your so-called “usage data” to allow us to improve the quality of our websites. This data set comprises:

  • The site from which the file was requested,
  • The file name,
  • The date and time of the request,
  • The data volume transmitted,
  • The access status (file transmitted, file not found),
  • The description of the type of web browser used,
  • The requesting computer’s IP address, shortened in such a way that it can no longer be linked to an identified individual.

The above-mentioned log data will only be stored in an anonymized form.

Data Transfer to Third Parties

Within the framework of data processing on our behalf as defined by Sec. 2054.135, we will transfer your data to service providers who assist us with the operation of our websites and the related processes. Our service providers are bound by strict instructions issued by us and subject to corresponding contractual obligations. We use the following service providers: hosting provider, web analysis service provider, website programming and maintenance service provider.

Use of Cookies

Our websites sometimes use “cookies” to ensure that you have an user-friendly visit. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your end device and can be read. There are different kinds of cookies. “Session cookies” are deleted as soon as you close your browser, while “persistent cookies” are stored for longer than one session. Cookies can contain data which makes it possible to recognize the device being used. In some cases, cookies also contain information on certain settings; this information is not of a personal nature.

We use both session and persistent cookies on our websites.

These cookies do not contain personal data and we do not combine them with other data so that we can identify you personally. In addition to this, we employ an analysis tool which also uses cookies.

You have the option of setting your browser to inform you whenever you receive a cookie, thus making the use of cookies transparent for you. In addition to this, you can delete cookies at any time using the corresponding browser setting to block new cookies. Please note that our websites may not be displayed perfectly and that you may not be able to use certain features if you block cookies.


We use the web analysis tool Matomo to design our webpages according to your needs. Matomo creates usage profiles on the basis of anonymous usage data (hash value of the operating system, the browser, the browser plugin, the anonymized IP address and the browser language). No cookies are set. If, in individual cases, personal data is being processed, the processing is carried out.

Social Media Presences

We operate official Social Media pages, based on Article 6, section 1 (f) GDPR which refers to processing that is done in the interest of public relations and communication. We do not at any time register, store or process personal data of our users on these pages. We may only communicate with you via the Social Media platform by answering to comments, messages or the like, share your posted content on any of our social media pages and allow you to participate in contests and/or raffles. No further data processing will be either carried out or initiated by us. The data you submit to our Social Media pages (e.g. comments, videos or pictures) will at no time be used or processed by us for any other undisclosed purposes.

To the extent that the platform provider leaves us room to exert influence over or set parameters regarding the processing of your data, we will design our social media pages to be as compliant as possible with applicable data protection rules. We therefore do not make use of demographic, interest-based, behavior-based or location-based target group classifications for the purposes of advertising, notwithstanding that such services may (by default) be provided to us by the social media platform providers.

If you wish to object to a particular data processing, please contact us via the contact information provided in our content provider information. Following our examination of your request, we will determine whether we are able to respond to your request. If we are unable to fulfill your request using our own means, we will forward it to the appropriate service provider. If you send us an inquiry through the social media platform, we may also, depending on your request, refer to other secure communication channels that guarantee confidentiality. You always have the option to send us confidential inquiries to the address given in the content provider information.

The Social Media platforms use what are known as “web tracking methods” on their websites. Please be aware of the following: the possibility cannot be excluded that the Social Media platforms may use your profile data, for instance in order to evaluate your habits, personal relationships, preferences and the like. Together with the platform provider we entered into a so called joint controllership. This means we and the respective Social Media platform are jointly responsible for the processing of the personal data. We have no influence on the processing of your data by the social media platforms.

Data Security

We have implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure that your data is protected as comprehensively as possible against undesired access. We use an encryption procedure on our sites. Your computer will use TLS encryption to transmit your data to our server via the Internet and vice versa. This is indicated by the locked padlock symbol in your browser status bar and the address line beginning with https:// .

Contact Form

You have the possibility of getting in touch with us by means of an online form. In order to use our contact forms, we need your name and your e-mail address. Other data may be supplied by you, but are not mandatory. The legal basis for the processing of the data is article 6, section 1 (b) of the General Data Protection Regulation. We use your data exclusively for the purpose of processing your enquiry.

By sending this e-mail form you are declaring your consent to the electronic registration and storage of the data you have supplied. The legal basis for the processing of the data is article 6, section 1 (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. We use your data exclusively for the purpose of processing your enquiry. You can revoke your consent at any time, e.g. by sending an email to

Online Job Applications

We process your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection provisions. We process the data you relinquish to us in connection with your online application exclusively for the purpose of selecting from among the candidates. No data processing for other purposes will take place.

You yourself determine the scope of the data you would like to communicate to us in connection with your online application. Online applications are transmitted to our HR department and processed by HR as rapidly as possible. The data are transmitted in encrypted form. As a rule, applications are forwarded to the heads of the responsible specialist units of our company. Other than that, no sharing of your data takes place. Your details will be treated by us as confidential. If your application proves unsuccessful, your documents will be deleted on the expiry of 6 months.

If you wish us to have regard to your application in connection with other or future job vacancies, please do include a note on your application to this effect. Your data will then be processed in compliance with article 6, section 1 (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. In this case, your application will be deleted after two years.

Right to Lodge a Complaint with a Supervisory Authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of your personal data infringes data protection law regulations. You can assert this right in particular with a supervisory authority in the member state of your habitual residence; place of work or the place of the alleged infringement.

Data Protection Officer’s Contact Details

Our company Data Protection Officer will be pleased to provide you with any information you require, or respond to any feedback you have, concerning data protection:

Pelican Island Storage Terminal
Data Protection Officer

Concluding Provisions

We reserve the right to update this data protection declaration at any time, either with or without prior notice. By using our website(s) you are declaring your agreement to these data protection regulations.

Status: May 2021

Fraud Alert
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