Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE)

Safeguarding health, safety, security and environmental protection is a priority for us.

In our HSSE Policy, we commit to preventing all accidents, injuries and occupational illness, and to protect the environment. We therefore continually optimize all of our subsidiaries’ activities with a view to technical, organizational and behavior-based safety and promote a proactive safety culture.

The corporate Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) Department develops guidelines and minimum requirements for all subsidiaries. Targets are set and the performance is benchmarked to achieve continuous improvement. 

One significant measure is the creation of comprehensive HSSE manuals that are specifically tailored to the respective operating units – and based on which the sites develop appropriate local management systems.

A central tool for learning from incidents is a global incident database. To prevent incidents and their reoccurrence, all accidents, incidents, near misses and unsafe acts and conditions are logged and systematically analyzed. If necessary, HSSE alerts are created, distributed to the relevant sites and discussed with our employees.

To monitor compliance with our internal standards, internal HSSE audits are performed and detailed HSSE statistics with “leading” (forward-looking) and “lagging” (retrospective) KPIs are analyzed.

A further central point of our effort to conduct our business activities in a safe, healthy and environment-friendly manner is the training and education of our employees. New employees as well as contractors and visitors are instructed in matters of HSSE before taking up their work or their visit

Key Facts

million cbm storage capacity
tank terminals
million tons total throughput
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